Travel tools

Use these travel tools to remind your supporters to book their holidays, train tickets and travel insurance through easyfundraising.

Travel Tools Pack

There’s a big fundraising opportunity in travel and holiday shopping. Here are all the tools you need to make sure you don’t miss out.


Travel and holidays A4 Poster

Travel and holiday bookings can raise big donations and give your fundraising a boost – let your supporters know by putting up this poster.


Travel and holidays A5 flyer

Hand out this flyer and spread the word that supporters can raise big donations to boost your fundraising when they book their holiday.



Print out these bookmarks and hand out to supporters to remind them to book their holidays the easyfundraising way


Travel and holidays colouring in poster

A fun activity to keep the kids entertained and a great way to get your message out to parents too!


Travel and holiday handout cards

Use these editable handout cards to spread the word about collecting holiday and travel donations for your cause.


Travel and holidays social media image

Share this image on Facebook and Twitter to let supporters know they can raise big donations for you when they book their holiday


Remind supporters to raise donations with holidays and travel bookings

Travel bookings can raise big donations so remind supporters to shop the easyfundraising way when they book their next break